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The Role of The Holy Spirit in Christian Lives

The Holy Spirit which is also referred to as the Holy Ghost by most Christian believers across the world today is a very significant part of their lives. It is also one of the greatest gifts that Jesus’ Apostles and the entire world received from Him during the Pentecost and after Hist resurrection respectively. Jesus, in fact, assured His followers that He would not leave them alone after ascending to heaven but would rather pray to His Father who would send them a comforter that would abide by them forever. The comfort that Jesus prayed for and who abides by His followers all the time is the Holy Spirit as said in John 14:16. Anyone that receives the Holy Ghost can, therefore, have a Comforter who abides in and with them forever and blesses them in a wide range of ways with a power that saves, seals and sanctifies them as well. This same Holy Spirit also reveals God’s thoughts to the people, teaches and guides them all the truth that they need as well as the knowledge of not just the present but also the future. It intercedes for the Christians and helps them in their times of weakens thereby being a very crucial part of their lives. This article proceeds to give some of the most significant ways that the Holy Spirit works in the lives of Christians across the world today.

The Holy Spirit is primarily the helper that Jesus send to guide, teach and remind His followers about Him while He is in heaven preparing a place for him in His Father’s mansion. Every believer should, therefore, understand that they are never alone no matter how hard some situations get and they will always remember all the things that Jesus taught them which will then guide them in their daily lives. There is, in fact, a Greek word ‘parakletos’ which is roughly translated as ‘Helper’, ‘Advocate’, or ‘Counselor’ whose meaning relates to ‘legal counsel’. Since Jesus is away, He felt the need to leave someone to help and guide His followers as well as an advocate of His teachings which is the reason why He sends the Holy Spirit to do the tasks.

The Holy Spirit also convicts the world of sin especially today when the whole world is full of sin and believers need some form of conviction to realize their mistakes and repent. Just like the lawyers provide wise counsel and evidence that is used to convict criminals in the courtroom, the Holy Spirit similarly does the same in the Christin lives.

Additionally, the Holy Ghost also dwells among the believers and fills them with a Godly feeling which is the reason why they are referred to as the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is also a great source of power, wisdom, and revelation all of which are so crucial for Christian living today while at the same time teaching them about the present and what is yet to come.

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